Dissipation of Long-Wave Energy by Discontinuous Macro-Roughness Representing Forested Areas (NEES-2010-0955)
Published on
Aug 24, 2017
Title: Dissipation of Long-Wave Energy by Discontinuous Macro-Roughness Representing Forested Areas (NEES-2010-0955)
Year Of Curation: 2011
Description: All data for this project can be found at project NEES-2009-0663, the Housesmash project. Since this was a payload project, collected data is intermingled with the primary project data. Please refer to project 663 for more information.
Award: http://www.nsf.gov/awardsearch/showAward?AWD_ID=0936595
PIs & CoPIs: Jennifer Irish
Dates: August 15, 2009 - July 31, 2011
Organizations: ,Texas A & M University, TX, United States
Facilities: Oregon State University, OR, United States
Sponsor: NSF - 0936595
Publications: "Final Report for the National Science Foundation"
Cite this work
- Jennifer Irish (2017), "Dissipation of Long-Wave Energy by Discontinuous Macro-Roughness Representing Forested Areas (NEES-2010-0955)," https://datacenterhub.org/deedsdv/publications/view/265.