Cyclic Tests of Steel Reinforced Concrete (SRC) Walls
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Feb 05, 2016
This dataset contains tests conducted at Tsinghua University on thirteen steel reinforced concrete shear walls. The shear walls had aspect ratios ranging from 2 to 2.3. All but two contained embedded structural steel sections in the boundary elements. Different shapes were examined, including: I-shaped, channel, hollow square, hollow circular, and dual hollow circular. The parameter set used to describe these tests was modeled after the parameter set used in the ACI 445B shear wall database. More parameters were added to capture properties of the structural steel shapes in the boundary elements.
Hysteresis curves for each specimen are provided in the data column. Detailed discussion of the findings can be found in the following publications, which are also attached as reports (non-copy-edited):
- Ji, X., Sun, Y., Qian, J., Lu, X., "Seismic behavior and modeling of steel reinforced concrete (SRC) walls," Earthquake Engineering & Structural Dynamics, 2015, Vol. 44, pp. 955-972.
- Qian, J., Jiang, Z., Ji, X., "Behavior of steel tube-reinforced concrete composite walls subjected to high axial force and cyclic loading," Engineering Structures, 2012, Vol. 36, pp.173-184.
Note 1: The ultimate drifts reported here use a different definition than that used in the ACI 445B database. ACI 445B defines ultimate drift as the drift at which the shear strength has degraded to 80% Vmax. The authors reported that there was no obvious degradation in shear strength until the failure cycle, and so reported ultimate drift as the peak drift attained in the cycle preceding the failure cycle. This is the value reported in this dataset.
Note 2: DWG files detailing the specimens and test setup are attached as SupportingDocs. The specimens sometimes are labeled using different names in the DWG files than in the reports. The following may be used as a key to relate the specimen name in the DWG file to the name used in the report.
DWG Name → Report Name
SW1…6 → SW1…6
SW7 → SW8
Cite this work
- Xiaodong Ji, Jiaru Qian, Zao Jiang, Ya Sun, Xinzheng Lu (2016), "Cyclic Tests of Steel Reinforced Concrete (SRC) Walls,"