RTHS and Shake Table Comparison for Smart Structural Systems (NEES-2011-1076)
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Aug 07, 2017
Title: RTHS and Shake Table Comparison for Smart Structural Systems (NEES-2011-1076)
Year Of Curation: 2012
Description: This project is an international multi-university collaborative project (Purdue University, University of California LA, and Harbin Institute of Technology) focusing on demonstrating effectiveness of RTHS in predicting responses of real structures exposed to earthquakes. Efforts towards realizing project goal are parted into three phases: (i) analytical simulations, (ii) physical full-scale tests and (iii) RTHS of a large-scale three story prototype structure equipped with a controllable MR damper under various earthquake inputs. Integrity of numerical models, and performance of RTHS are evaluated through the comparisons with shake table tests.
Award: http://www.nsf.gov/awardsearch/showAward?AWD_ID=1011534
PIs & CoPIs: Bin Wu, Jian Zhang, Shirley Dyken
Dates: September 15, 2009 - August 31, 2014
Organizations: ,University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, IL, United States
Facilities: Purdue University, West Lafayette, IL, United States
Sponsor: NSF China-90715036 Purdue-(international) NSF-1011534
Keywords: real time hybrid simulation
Wang Xi, "Performance Based Implementation of Seismic Protective Devices for Structures"
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Ali Irmak Ozdagli, Shirley Dyke, Wang Xi, Jian Zhang, Yong Ding, Bin Wu, "Verification of Real-Time Hybrid Simulation with Shake Table Tests: Phase 2 Development of Control Algorithms"
Cite this work
- Jian Zhang, Bin Wu, Shirley Dyke (2017), "RTHS and Shake Table Comparison for Smart Structural Systems (NEES-2011-1076)," https://datacenterhub.org/deedsdv/publications/view/411.