NEESR-CR: Full-Scale Structural and Nonstructural Building System Performance during Earthquake (NEES-2009-0722)
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Nov 22, 2017
Title: NEESR-CR: Full-Scale Structural and Nonstructural Building System Performance during Earthquakes (NEES-2009-0722)
Year Of Curation: 2014
Description: This landmark project involved earthquake and post-earthquake live fire testing of a five-story building constructed at full-scale on the NEES@UCSD outdoor shake table. Unique to previous full-scale building test programs, the structure was completely outfitted with nonstructural components and systems (NCSs), including two types of facades, (for the first time) an operable passenger elevator, prefabricated steel stairs, building services such as piping, a heating-ventilation-air conditioning system, operable fire sprinklers and risers, as well as other passive and active fire systems, complete electrical and lighting, partition walls, two floors of medical occupancy, and other necessary equipment and building contents. By testing a building complete with NCSs, kinematic interaction amongst the various NCSs and with the building itself could be investigated. Coined the Building Nonstructural Components and Systems (BNCS) project, the project involved government, state, and private funding with resources in excess of $5M. The experimental phase of this effort was supported by the NEES@UCLA and NEES@UCSD equipment sites.
PIs & CoPIs: Tara Hutchinson, Joel Conte, Jose Restrepo
Dates: October 01, 2009 - September 30, 2014
Organizations: University of California, San Diego, CA, United States
Facilities: University of California, Los Angeles, CA, United States,University of California, San Diego, CA, United States
Sponsor: NSF - CMMI - 0936505
Keywords: nonstructural systems, Shake table testing, Reinforced Concrete Building, Reinforced Concrete Structures, stairs, elevators, facade panel, Equipment, nonstructural components
Hamed Ebrahimian, Haejun Park, "Full-scale structural and nonstructural building system performance during earthquakes and post-earthquake fire - specimen design, construction and test protocol (BNCS Report #1)"
Hamed Ebrahimian, Haejun Park, "Full-scale structural and nonstructural building system performance during earthquakes and post-earthquake fire - Test results (BNCS Report #2)"
"Full-scale structural and nonstructural building system performance during earthquakes and post-earthquake fire - Cameras and analog sensor details (BNCS Report#3)"
Cite this work
- Joel Conte, Tara Hutchinson, Jose Restrepo (2017), "NEESR-CR: Full-Scale Structural and Nonstructural Building System Performance during Earthquake (NEES-2009-0722),"