Tsunami Generation by Landslides: Integrating Lab Experiments, Numerical Models and Natural Scale Applications (NEES-2010-0968)
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Aug 30, 2017
Title: Tsunami Generation by Landslides: Integrating Laboratory Scale Experiments, Numerical Models and Natural Scale Applications (NEES-2010-0968)
Year Of Curation: 2013
Description: This project's long-term goal is to transform assessment and mitigation of the landslide tsunami hazard through hybrid modeling of landslide tsunami evolution in real world scenarios, where the generation, propagation, and runup stages overlap. Rare field measurements are mostly limited to landslide scarp, deposit, tsunami runup, and eyewitness accounts, while critically important data related to the landslide motion and tsunami evolution is lacking. The goal of the research is to compensate for missing data by combined physical and numerical modeling of fully three-dimensional landslide tsunami scenarios.
Award: http://www.nsf.gov/awardsearch/showAward?AWD_ID=0936603
PIs & CoPIs: Hermann Fritz
Dates: October 01, 2009 - September 30, 2012
Organizations: Georgia Institute of Technology, GA, United States
Facilities: Oregon State University, OR, United States
Sponsor: NSF - 0936603
Keywords: tsunami,runup,landslide,wave propagation
Publications: Fahad Mohammed, "Physical Modeling of Tsunamis Generated by Three-Dimensional Deformable Granular Landslides"
Cite this work
- Hermann Fritz (2017), "Tsunami Generation by Landslides: Integrating Lab Experiments, Numerical Models and Natural Scale Applications (NEES-2010-0968)," https://datacenterhub.org/deedsdv/publications/view/449.