Characterizing the geometry and time of deformation of the Meeman-Shelby Fault, near Memphis, TN (NEES-2011-1029)
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Aug 02, 2017
Title: Characterizing the geometry and time of deformation of the Meeman-Shelby Fault, near Memphis, TN (NEES-2011-1029)
Year Of Curation: 2013
Description: Despite continuing studies in geodesy, seismology, and paleoseismology in the mid-continent/Mississippi Embayment area, there remains a paradox regarding the documented series of relatively large seismic events and the apparent low rates of deformation. As both modeling and observational studies improve, a variety of approaches are beginning to bear fruit. A promising hypothesis proposed to solve the apparent paradox is that deformation may be focused in different areas at different times, and that the present seismicity might not reflect the long-term behavior of the fault system in the Central US. Mounting evidence, mainly from paleoseismological studies, strongly suggests that the seismicity might have been migrating at least during the Holocene, although specific structures responsible for seismogenic faults other than the NMSZ system are not well documented.
PIs & CoPIs: Maria Magnani
Dates: March 10, 2011 - December 31, 2012
Organizations: Center for Earthquake Research and Information (CERI), Memphis, TN, United States, U.S. Geological Survey, University of Memphis, TN, United States, University of Texas at Austin, TX, United States
Facilities: University of Texas at Austin, TX, United States
Keywords: New Madrid seismic zone, seismic reflection imaging, Mississippi embayment, Seismic Hazard, Central US, Neotectonics
Publications: Maria Beatrice Magnani, "Characterizing the Geometry and Time of Deformation of the Meeman-Shelby Fault, Near Memphis, TN"
Cite this work
- Maria Magnani (2017), "Characterizing the geometry and time of deformation of the Meeman-Shelby Fault, near Memphis, TN (NEES-2011-1029),"