Dynamic Passive Pressure on Full-Scale Pile Caps: Phase 1 (NEES-2005-0042)

By Travis Gerber, Kyle Rollins

Version 1.0






Published on

Aug 03, 2017


Title: Dynamic Passive Pressure on Full-Scale Pile Caps: Phase 1 (NEES-2005-0042)

Year Of Curation: 2011

Description: BYU's research focuses on the behavior of soil behind a full-scale foundation when subjected to earthquake-like loadings. It is the backfill soil which helps prevent excessive horizontal movement of foundations during earthquakes. The amount of resistance provided by a backfill soil depends on many factors, including: soil type, soil density, and the potential amount of foundation movement. Horizontal forces from earthquakes introduce other factors such as large, repetitive movements and high rates of loading. The effects of these factors on soil resistance are not well quantified. This project will use loading rams (i.e., actuators) and a shaker mounted to a foundation to approximate an earthquake loading. The resistance provided by various backfill soils under different magnitudes and rates of cyclic loading will then be determined.

Award: http://www.nsf.gov/awardsearch/showAward?AWD_ID=0421312

PIs & CoPIs: Travis Gerber, Kyle Rollins

Dates: August 08, 2005 to Present

Organizations: Brigham Young University, UT, United States,    University of California, Los Angeles, CA, United States

Facilities: Brigham Young University, UT, United States,    University of California, Los Angeles, CA, United States

Sponsor: NSF - 0421312

Keywords: Soil Structure Interaction, Lateral Forces, Shaker, Backfill Soil, Soil Resistance

Publications: --

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  • Travis Gerber, Kyle Rollins (2017), "Dynamic Passive Pressure on Full-Scale Pile Caps: Phase 1 (NEES-2005-0042)," https://datacenterhub.org/deedsdv/publications/view/464.


Soil-Structure Interaction, Lateral forces, shaker, Backfill Soil, Soil Resistance