Development and Validation of a Robust Framework for Real-time Hybrid Testing (NEES-2012-1135)
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Aug 07, 2017
Title: Development and Validation of a Robust Framework for Real-time Hybrid Testing (NEES-2012-1135)
Year Of Curation: 2012
Description: Real-time hybrid simulation (RTHS) has increasingly been recognized as a powerful methodology to evaluate structural components and systems under realistic operating conditions. The idea is to explore and combine the advantages of simultaneous numerical analysis with physical lab testing. Furthermore, the enforced real-time condition allows testing on rate-dependent components. Although the concept is very attractive, challenges do exist that require an improved understanding of the methodology. One of the most important challenges in RTHS is to achieve synchronized boundary conditions between the computational and physical substructures. Test stability and accuracy are largely governed by the level of synchronization. The sensitivity of the RTHS system error to the de-synchronization error is analyzed, from which a worst-case substructure scheme is identified.
PIs & CoPIs: Shirley Dyke, Nestor Castaneda-Aguilar, Xiuyu Gao
Dates: September 15, 2009 - June 30, 2013
Organizations: Purdue University at West Lafayette, IN, United States
Facilities: Purdue University at West Lafayette, IN, United States
Sponsor: NSF - 1028668
Keywords: Real-time hybrid simulation
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Cite this work
- Nestor Castaneda-Aguilar, Shirley Dyke, Xiuyu Gao (2017), "Development and Validation of a Robust Framework for Real-time Hybrid Testing (NEES-2012-1135),"