Low-Cost, Strong-Motion Sensor Package to Obtain Full Spectrum Waveforms (NEES-2013-1181)

By Yehuda Bock, Jose Restrepo

Version 1.0






Published on

Jun 19, 2017


Title: Low-Cost, Strong-Motion Sensor Packages to Obtain Full Spectrum Waveforms for Earthquake Early Warning and Structural Monitoring Applications (NEES-2013-1181)

Year Of Curation: 2013

Description: This Grant for Rapid Response Research (RAPID) investigates low-cost, strong-motion instrumentation for the earth sciences and structural engineering research communities to provide a new interdisciplinary data type: real-time, full spectrum displacements based on an optimal combination of high-rate global positioning system (GPS) and very high-rate accelerometer data. These new data both fully capture dynamic and static near-field strong motion and enable its analysis and characterization in real time. The ability to obtain full spectrum waveforms in three dimensions with millimeter precision is also a breakthrough for rapidly and fully estimating the response of large engineered structures (for example, bridges, buildings, and dams) at the full range of periods. This approach improves the timeliness of earthquake characterization by an order of magnitude and improves its fullness by spanning the full spectrum of ground deformation from the very high frequencies all the way through to direct current (DC) offsets. The project will gather perishable structural response data from five prototype sensor packages placed on the five-story building test specimen, constructed under NSF award CMMI 0936505, that will undergo strong seismic motion on the NEES outdoor shake table at the University of California, San Diego in early 2012.

Award: http://www.nsf.gov/awardsearch/showAward?AWD_ID=1208729

PIs & CoPIs: Yehuda Bock, Jose Restrepo

Dates: February 15, 2012 - May 13, 2013

Organizations: University of California, San Diego, CA, United States

Facilities: University of California, San Diego, CA, United States

Sponsor: NSF - 1208729

Keywords: Rapid Response,Real-time,full spectrum displacements,high rate global positioning system,GPS,Hight rate GPS,High rate accelerometer,dynmaic,Strong motion,Static Testing,Full spectrum waveforms


"Experimental Unprocessed Data Report"  

Diego Melgar; D. Glen Offield, "Low-Cost, Strong-Motion Sensor Packages to Obtain Full Spectrum Waveforms for Earthquake Early Warning and Structural Monitoring Applications"

"Experimental Setup Report"

Cite this work

  • Yehuda Bock, Jose Restrepo (2017), "Low-Cost, Strong-Motion Sensor Package to Obtain Full Spectrum Waveforms (NEES-2013-1181)," https://datacenterhub.org/deedsdv/publications/view/517.


Rapid Response, Real-time, full spectrum displacements, high rate global positioning system, GPS, Hight rate GPS, High rate accelerometer, dynmaic, Strong motion, Static Testing, Full spectrum waveforms