Wind Tunnel Tests for Wind-Excited Benchmark Building (NEES-2014-1241)

By Bijan Samali

Version 1.0






Published on

Aug 09, 2017


Title: Wind Tunnel Tests for Wind-Excited Benchmark Building (NEES-2013-1241)

Year Of Curation: 2014

Description: The 76-story 306 m tall benchmark building chosen as the prototype structure for this study. The buildinga??s plan view is approximately 42 m square with two 7 m chamfers on opposite corners. To determine wind forces on the complex facade of the structure, a scaled model is studied in the wind tunnel. The wind tunnel tests were performed in the Department of Civil Engineering, at the University of Sydney.


PIs & CoPIs: Bijan Samali

Dates: January 01, 2004 - December 31, 2004

Organizations: Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Hong Kong, China,    University of California, Irvine, CA, United States,    University of Technology, Sydney, Australia

Facilities: University of Technology, Sydney, Australia

Sponsor: NSF - CMS - 02-18813

Keywords: benchmark,high rise buildings,wind tunnel test,wind load

"Wind Tunnel Tests for Wind-Excited Benchmark Building"
"Benchmark Problem for Response Control of Wind-Excited Tall Buildings"
J. Yang, Anil Agrawal, Bijan Samali, J. Wu (2004). "Benchmark Problem for Response Control of Wind-Excited Tall Buildings", J. Eng. Mech. 130, SPECIAL ISSUE: BENCHMARK STRUCTURAL CONTROL PROBLEM
Bijan Samali, K. Kwok, G. Wood, J. Yang (2004). "Wind Tunnel Tests for Wind-Excited Benchmark Building", J. Eng. Mech. 130, SPECIAL ISSUE: BENCHMARK STRUCTURAL CONTROL PROBLEM

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  • Bijan Samali (2017), "Wind Tunnel Tests for Wind-Excited Benchmark Building (NEES-2014-1241),"


wind load, wind tunnel test, high rise buildings, benchmark