Experimental and Analytical Investigation of Non-rectangular Walls under Multidirectional Loads (NEES-2011-0022)

By Catherine French, Ricardo Lopez, Sri Sritharan

Version 1.0






Published on

Feb 16, 2017


Year Of Curation: 2011

Description: Specimens to be tested include 1 half-scale, four story T-shaped wall; 1 three-quarter scale, two story T-shaped wall; and 3 half-scale, four story rectangular walls. This testing will be conducted in the MAST laboratory at the University of Minnesota.

Award: http://www.nsf.gov/awardsearch/showAward?AWD_ID=0324504

PIs & CoPIs: Catherine French, Ricardo Lopez, Sri Sritharan

Dates: May 16, 2005 - October 31, 2008

Organizations: ,Iowa State University, IA, United States,,University of Minnesota-Twin Cities, MN, United States

Facilities: Iowa State University, IA, United States,University of Minnesota-Twin Cities, MN, United States

Sponsor: NSF - 0324504

Keywords: Deformation,Displacement,Reinforced Concrete,Shear Walls,Axial Load,Structural Walls,Multi-Axial Subassemblage Testing

Publications ,"Anchorage Detailing Effects on Lateral Deformation Components of R/C Shear Walls" , "Performance of T-shaped Reinforced Concrete Structural Walls under Multi-Directional Loading"

Cite this work

  • Catherine French, Ricardo Lopez, Sri Sritharan (2017), "Experimental and Analytical Investigation of Non-rectangular Walls under Multidirectional Loads (NEES-2011-0022)," https://datacenterhub.org/deedsdv/publications/view/524.
