3D Unit Cell Model of Prefabricated Drain in Liquefiable Soil

By Rachelle Howell, Xiaoyue Wang, Ellen M. Rathje

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This OpenSees model is a 3D unit cell infinite slope model of the area of influence around a single drain (or, in the case of the untreated model, a free-field untreated area equal to the area of influence around a single drain). It was developed to simulate lateral spreading in the in-plane horizontal direction (e.g. in the SSK01, RNK01, and RLH01 centrifuge tests) and the out-of-plane direction (e.g. in the RLH01 centrifuge tests). The model consists of four .tcl files for use in OpenSees and a suite of .txt files that contains the input seismic ground motion.

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Researchers should cite this work as follows:

  • Rachelle Howell; Xiaoyue Wang; Ellen M. Rathje (2014), "3D Unit Cell Model of Prefabricated Drain in Liquefiable Soil," https://datacenterhub.org/resources/13170.

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