NEES@Berkeley project highlight: Mitigation of Collapse Risk of Older Concrete Buildings

By Heidi Tremayne (Faison), Khalid Mosalam, Shakhzod Takhirov, Jack Moehle, Sangjoon Park, Wael M. Hassan, NEES EOT

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These experimental research tests at NEES@Berkeley are part of a larger project titled "NEES-GC: Mitigation of Collapse Risk in Vulnerable Concrete Buildings" funded by the National Science Foundation under award number CMMI-0402490. At the NEES@Berkeley lab, researchers designed, built and tested 8 large-scale nonductile beam column joint specimens to match the detailing methods in older concrete buildings. These specimens were tested with axial load and shear to simulate realistic earthquake loading. This testing will help both engineers and researchers better understand the failure mechanisms of beam-column joints in older concrete moment frame structures that were designed prior to the modern building codes. From their testing results the research team is developing enhanced analytical models and making building code recommendations that will help engineers more accurately understand the behavior of this type of building. More information can be found at the NEES@Berkeley website: and at the project website:

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Video courtesy of NEES@Berkeley

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Researchers should cite this work as follows:

  • Heidi Tremayne (Faison); Khalid Mosalam; Shakhzod Takhirov; Jack Moehle; Sangjoon Park; Wael M. Hassan; NEES EOT (2012), "NEES@Berkeley project highlight: Mitigation of Collapse Risk of Older Concrete Buildings,"

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