UCD/CGMDR-05/03 Collaborative Research: Dynamic Behavior of Slickensided Surfaces - Centrifuge Data Report for CLM01

By Christopher Meehan, James Duncan, Ross Boulanger

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This document describes a centrifuge test that was performed using the UC Davis geotechnical centrifuge. The purpose of this test was to measure the amount of displacement that occurs during earthquake shaking along a preformed slickensided clay surface. The recorded data can be used to evaluate the effectiveness of Newmark's method for predicting earthquake-induced displacements in clays.

The data recorded in this centrifuge test will be used in conjunction with traditional geotechnical laboratory test data measured at Virginia Tech on soil from the same field site. Evaluation of the entire data set will allow for the development of a clear approach for evaluating the dynamic undrained shear resistance of slickensided rupture surfaces.

The soil that was used to construct the model is San Francisco Bay Mud, which was obtained from Hamilton Air Force Base in California. General configuration parameters for the test are as follows:

Centrifuge: 9 m-radius centrifuge at UC Davis
Model Container: Rigid Container 1 (RC 1)
Soil Tested: San Francisco Bay Mud
Centrifugal Acceleration: 45 g and 22.5 g
Pore Fluid: Deionized Water

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Researchers should cite this work as follows:

  • Christopher Meehan; James Duncan; Ross Boulanger (2010), "UCD/CGMDR-05/03 Collaborative Research: Dynamic Behavior of Slickensided Surfaces - Centrifuge Data Report for CLM01," https://datacenterhub.org/resources/657.

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