Complete list of Legacy datasets originally uploaded to NEESHub

Most datacenterhub databases were originally uploaded to NEESHub and are now maintained here and at Design Safe.
Databases crated on NEESHub using "DataSTORE" are available below but may not be available at Design Safe CI.
View the complete list of NEES datasets that were
published through
NEEShub and later maintained (until 2023) by datacenterhub.
CSV files contain data tables. Links in tables
can be associated with files residing in the same folders as the CSV files.
Legacy Databases (Developed on DataSTORE)
- 53 UCSB Field Sites Waveform Data (Magnitude 5.5 or larger events) DOI:10.4231/D3XP6V349
- 252 A Database for Seismic Retrofit Construction Cost of Concrete and Steel Framed Schools in Iran DOI: 10.4231/D3959C774
- 254 ACI 369 Circular Column Database DOI: 10.4231/D39Z90B9T
- 255 ACI 369 Rectangular Column Database DOI: 10.4231/D36688J50
- 256 ACI 445 Punching Shear Collected Databank DOI: 10.4231/D3TX35618
- 257 Database for Structural Control and Monitoring Benchmark Problems DOI: 10.4231/D3Q52FC7T
- 258 Earthquake Simulator Video Archive DOI: 10.17603/DS2TH4G
- 259 Performance Database for Reinforced Concrete Columns with Spiral Reinforcement DOI: 10.4231/D32F7JR0C
- 260 Shear Wall Database DOI: 10.4231/D38C9R416
- 261 The Shear Wave Velocity Profiles Database DOI: 10.4231/D3JH3D27N
- 262 SAC Steel Project Database DOI: 10.4231/D3FQ9Q536
- 263 The Haiti Earthquake Database DOI: 10.4231/D3P843W0H
- 264 Projects Suitable for SHM and Model Updating Research DOI: 10.4231/D3ZW18T26
- 265 The ACI Publications Database DOI: 10.4231/D3SX64911
- 266 The Journal of Earthquake Engineering Database DOI: 10.4231/D3KH0DZ60
- 268 CENSEIS- Centrifuge and Full-scale Modeling of Seismic Pore Pressures in Sands DOI: 10.4231/D3GF0MX4F
- 269 FLIQ-Foundation and Ground Performance in Liquefaction Experiments DOI: 10.4231/D3M61BQ73
- 270 PRESHAKE-Centrifuge modeling of the effect of seismic preshaking on the liquefaction resistance of sands DOI: 10.4231/D38K74X78
- 271 Priority Index Database-Medellin (Colombia) DOI: 10.17603/DS2PQ14
- 272 The KiK-net database processed using an automated ground motion processing protocol DOI: 10.17603/DS2K081
- 14288 Ottawa F-65 Sand Data from Ana Maria Parra Bastidas DOI: 10.17603/DS2MW2R
- 14316 Leap Soil Properties and Element Test Data DOI: 10.17603/DS2WC7W
- 14312 LEAP Centrifuge Test and Numerical Simulation Specifications DOI: 10.17603/DS2159T
- 14342 Chilean Strong Ground Motion DOI: 10.17603/DS2N30J
- 14307 FoRCy: Rocking Shallow Foundation Performance in Slow Cyclic and Monotonic Experiments DOI: 10.13019/t0cq-qf64