Leveraging Tsunami Research - Wave Loading on Residential Structures with Earthquake and Hurricane Applications (NEES-2009-0665)

By John Van de Lindt, Rakesh Gupta

Version 1.0






Published on

Jul 19, 2017


Title: Leveraging Tsunami Research - Wave Loading on Residential Structures with Earthquake and Hurricane Applications (NEES-2009-0665)

Year Of Curation: 2009

Description: This Small Grant for Exploratory Research (SGER) Network for Earthquake Engineering Simulation Research (NEESR) payload project will utilize the experimental test set-up of the NSF-funded project (CMMI-0530759) entitled "NEESR SG: Development of Performance Based Tsunami Engineering, PBTE" at the NEES tsunami wave basin at Oregon State University during June - December 2007. The objective of this payload project is to install residential structural models, at a larger-scale than the mid to high-rise structures tested by the SG researchers on the other side of the wave basin, to investigate impact due to wave loading and run-up (applications to tsunami engineering) and pressure/wind driven surge (applications to hurricane engineering and science). The payload project will install two single-family dwelling models beside each other on a flat surface above the waterline representing coastal property or a structure slightly inland. The following new knowledge will be generated by this payload project: (1) information on fluid impact loads as a function of different wave heights and ground slopes on residential structures to enable the development of dimensionless charts for use by practitioners/planners and to facilitate innovative construction techniques in coastal regions; (2) an understanding of the load transfer mechanism and uplift forces on residential structures during wave and surge loading, both of which are not understood currently; and (3) the relationship of scale model pressure to full-scale prototype damage through existing methods, formulations, and minimal assembly testing. (

Award: http://www.nsf.gov/awardsearch/showAward?AWD_ID=0651710

PIs & CoPIs: John Van de Lindt, Rakesh Gupta

Dates: March 01, 2007 - February 09, 2009

Organizations: ,Colorado State University, Fort Collins, CO, United States,,Oregon State University, OR, United States

Facilities: ,Colorado State University, Fort Collins, CO, United States,Oregon State University, OR, United States

Sponsor: NSF - 0651710 (

Keywords: ,Performance Based Tsunami Engineering,Wind Driven Surge,Tsunami Wave Basin,Wave Loading,Wood-Frame House

Publications "Behavior of a 1/6th Scale, Two-Story, Wood Framed Residential Structure Under Surge Wave Loading"

Cite this work

  • John Van de Lindt, Rakesh Gupta (2017), "Leveraging Tsunami Research - Wave Loading on Residential Structures with Earthquake and Hurricane Applications (NEES-2009-0665)," https://datacenterhub.org/deedsdv/publications/view/262.
