144 DOF Dynamic Measurement from a 50' Full Scale Highway Sign Support Truss (NEES-2011-1013)

By Shirley Dyke, Sriram Krishnan, Zhuoxiong Sun

Version 1.0






Published on

Aug 01, 2017


Title: 144 DOF Dynamic Measurement from a 50' Full Scale Highway Sign Support Truss in Intact and Damaged Conditions (NEES-2011-1013)

Year Of Curation: 2012

Description: A 17.4 m long, 11-bay, three-dimensional highway sign support truss structure was tested at the Robert L. and Terry L. Bowen Laboratory for Large-Scale Cvil Engineering Research of the Purdue University. The truss is 17.04m long, 1.83m wide and 1.98m high. All members have cylindrical a cross-section. The truss is made of aluminum alloy (6061-T6). The truss studied here was previously mounted over interstate I-29 near Sioux City in Iowa as a sign support to display route information. The truss consists of 4 space frames connected by bolted joints and 2 planar frames for end supports. Two sections of the four space frames were assembled at the Bowen laboratory for testing.

Award: http://www.nsf.gov/awardsearch/showAward?AWD_ID=1035748

PIs & CoPIs: Shirley Dyke, Sriram Krishnan, Zhuoxiong Sun

Dates: April 04, 2011 - July 26, 2011

Organizations: Purdue University at West Lafayette, IN, United States

Facilities: Purdue University at West Lafayette, IN, United States

Sponsor: NSF-CNS-1035748

Keywords: vibration testing, large scale testing, accelerometer, wireless sensor network, shaker, hammer, damage localization, damage detection, shm, truss, 3D model

Publications: N/A

Cite this work

  • Shirley Dyke, Sriram Krishnan, Zhuoxiong Sun (2017), "144 DOF Dynamic Measurement from a 50' Full Scale Highway Sign Support Truss (NEES-2011-1013)," https://datacenterhub.org/deedsdv/publications/view/378.


vibration testing, large scale testing, accelerometer, wireless sensor network, shaker, hammer, damage localization, Damage Detection, SHM, truss, 3D model