Collaborative USGS-NEES Earthquake Hazard Studies in the New Madrid Seismic zone and Puget Sound, WA (NEES-2010-0962)

By Robert Williams

Version 1.0






Published on

Nov 22, 2017


Title: Collaborative USGS-NEES Earthquake Hazard Studies in the New Madrid Seismic zone and Puget Sound, Washington (NEES-2010-0962)

Year Of Curation: 2014

Description: The overall goal of these experiments is to provide high-resolution images of the sediment structure and faults in the Arkansas portion of the New Madrid seismic zone and the Puget Sound region, Washington. These data will provide key constraints on earthquake hazard assessments in these large, at risk areas, and lead to improved earthquake ground motion simulations that earthquake engineers could use to assess potential losses. This collaboration promotes the basic goal of NEES "to engage and support earthquake risk-mitigation partners in experimental activities that improve the seismic design and performance of our infrastructure systems through the integration of people, ideas, and tools".

PIs & CoPIs: Robert Williams

Dates: July 22, 2010 to Present

Organizations: U.S. Geological Survey,,University of Texas at Austin, TX, United States

Facilities: University of Texas at Austin, TX, United States

Keywords: seismic hazard,seismic reflection

Cite this work

  • Robert Williams (2017), "Collaborative USGS-NEES Earthquake Hazard Studies in the New Madrid Seismic zone and Puget Sound, WA (NEES-2010-0962),"
