USGS-NEES Pilot Study: Trex P-wave Seismic Reflection Imaging in Garner Valley (NEES-2010-0881)

By William Stephenson

Version 1.0






Published on

Jul 02, 2017


Title: USGS-NEES Pilot Study: Trex P-wave Seismic Reflection Imaging in Garner Valley (NEES-2010-0881)

Year Of Curation: 2013

Description: As part of the 2004 Network for Earthquake Engineering Simulation (NEES) Demonstration at the NEES Garner Valley Instrumentation Site in southern California, the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) conducted a pilot study in collaboration with NEES@UTAustin to demonstrate the application of the NEES vibrator vehicles with multi-channel high-resolution seismic reflection/refraction acquisition systems for detailed subsurface imaging. The USGS piggybacked this effort with funding from, among other sources, the NEHRP Venture Capital project entitled a??A Multi-facility Approach to Solving Problems in Earthquake Hazardsa?? (J. Gomberg was Principal Investigator). The overall objective of this project was to assess the potential to solve challenging problems related to earthquake hazards and engineering by marshaling the combined facilities of the NEES consortium, the Incorporated Research Institutes for Seismology consortium (IRIS; also supported principally by the NSF), and the USGS National Earthquake Hazards Reduction Program. The primary focus of this component of the project was to assess the potential of the T-Rex three-component vibroseis truck as an imaging source both for high-resolution shallow basin and crustal scale structure imaging. T-Rex performed admirably as a high-frequency source vehicle for high-resolution P-wave seismic reflection imaging of the upper kilometer. 

Award: USGS

PIs & CoPIs: William Stephenson

Dates: August 19, 2004 - August 21, 2004

Organizations: U.S. Geological Survey

Facilities: University of Texas at Austin, TX, United States

Sponsor: USGS 

Keywords: seismic reflection, earthquake hazards, garner valley downhole array

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  • William Stephenson (2017), "USGS-NEES Pilot Study: Trex P-wave Seismic Reflection Imaging in Garner Valley (NEES-2010-0881),"


seismic reflection, earthquake hazards, garner valley downhole array