TSUNAMOS: A Validated, Multi-Scale Tsunami Model for Hybrid Numerical-Experimental Simulation (NEES-2008-0577)

By Patrick Lynett, Philip Liu

Version 1.0






Published on

Aug 30, 2017


Title: TSUNAMOS: A Validated, Multi-Scale Tsunami Model for Hybrid Numerical-Experimental Simulation (NEES-2008-0577)

Year Of Curation: 2013

Description: The objectives of the proposed research program are to 1) improve understanding of nearshore, three-dimensional tsunami evolution through an extensive set of physical experiments using NEES facilities; 2) create an extensible framework to provide a systematic structure for validating computational models with experimental and field data; 3) refine modeling capabilities and couple the various components together to create a multi-scale simulation tool; and 4) develop a sustainable education and outreach program that educates the general public about tsunamis and appropriate responses to them. Nearshore evolution of tsunami waves, such as 3D breaking through focusing and bathymetry, and overland flow across irregular and rough topographies, will be investigated. Concurrent to the experimental effort, a comprehensive tsunami simulator, TSUNAMOS (Tsunami Open Source Community Model), will be developed. 

Award: http://www.nsf.gov/awardsearch/showAward?AWD_ID=0619083

PIs & CoPIs: Patrick Lynett, Philip Liu

Dates: September 21, 2006 - October 01, 2009

Organizations: Cornell University, NY, United States,,Oregon State University, OR, United States

Facilities: Oregon State University, OR, United States

Sponsor: NSF - 0619083 

Keywords: solitary wave, run-up, free surface measurements,tsunami, conical island,dye study, flow motions, ,velocity, turbulence

David Swigler; Sangyoung Son; Duncan Bryant; Scott Socolofsky, "Experimental Study of Solitary Wave Evolution over a 3D Shallow Shelf"
David Townley Swingler, "Laboratory Study Investigating the Three-Dimensional Turbulence and Kinematic Properties Associated with a Breaking Solitary Wave"

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  • Patrick Lynett, Philip Liu (2017), "TSUNAMOS: A Validated, Multi-Scale Tsunami Model for Hybrid Numerical-Experimental Simulation (NEES-2008-0577)," https://datacenterhub.org/deedsdv/publications/view/451.


solitary wave, run-up, free surface measurements, Tsunami, conical island, dye study, flow motions, velocity, turbulence