Development of a Performance-Based Seismic Design Philosophy for Mid-Rise Woodframe Construction (NEES-2006-0138)

By John Van de Lindt, Rachel Davidson, Andre Filiatrault, David Rosowsky, Michael Symans

Version 1.0






Published on

Aug 04, 2017


Title: Development of a Performance-Based Seismic Design Philosophy for Mid-Rise Woodframe Construction (NEES-2011-0138)

Year Of Curation: 2011

Description: This project dealt with the shake table testing program of a full-scale two-story woodframe townhouse building conducted within the NEESWood Project. The test building represents the worlda??s largest woodframe structure tested on a shake table. The size and weight of the test structure required the simultaneous use of the two tri-axial shake tables at the University at Buffalo UB-NEES site. The testing program is focusing on the various construction elements that may have significant influence on the seismic response of woodframe buildings and that should be considered in performance-based seismic design.


PIs & CoPIs: John Van de Lindt, Rachel Davidson, Andre Filiatrault, David Rosowsky, Michael Symans

Dates: October 01, 2005 - September 30, 2009

Organizations: State University of New York at Buffalo, NY, United States

Facilities: State University of New York at Buffalo, NY, United States

Sponsor: NSF - 0529903 

Keywords: Wood,Wood-Frame House,Shake Table

Publications "NW-01: Seismic Testing of a Full-Scale Two-Story Light-Frame Wood Building: NEESWood Benchmark Test" 

Cite this work

  • John Van de Lindt, Rachel Davidson, Andre Filiatrault, David Rosowsky, Michael Symans (2017), "Development of a Performance-Based Seismic Design Philosophy for Mid-Rise Woodframe Construction (NEES-2006-0138),"


wood, Wood-Frame House, shake table