Assessment of Punching Shear Vulnerability of Slab-Column Connections with Shear Stud Reinforcement (NEES-2010-0983)

By Gustavo Parra-Montesinos, Carol Shield

Version 1.0






Published on

Nov 22, 2017


Year Of Curation: 2014

Description: Structural systems that consist of slabs directly supported by columns or flat plate frame systems are widely used in concrete construction because of their architectural appearance, functionality, and economy. In regions of high seismic hazard, they have been used in structures of up to 60 stories, in combination with structural walls or moment resisting frames. Because of their potential for punching shear failures during earthquakes, shear reinforcement is often provided in the form of headed shear studs. Results from a test conducted as part of a prior NEESR project (NSF award 0421180), however, have raised serious concerns about the effectiveness of this reinforcement for punching shear resistance. Given the large number of flat-plate structures with headed reinforcement built in the last decade, these test results could be an indication of a latent major problem that could surface in the next large earthquake on the west coast. If this is indeed as serious of a problem as the prior NEESR test results seem to indicate, the earthquake engineering community should act with diligence and prevent a situation similar to that observed with welded steel connections during the 1994 Northridge, CA earthquake.


PIs & CoPIs: Gustavo Parra-Montesinos, Carol Shield

Dates: September 01, 2009 - August 31, 2012

Organizations: University of Michigan, MI, United States

Facilities: University of Minnesota-Twin Cities, MN, United States

Sponsor: NSF - 0936519

Keywords: Slab-Column connection, multi-axial sub-assemblage testing,Reinforced Concrete

Publications "Punching Shear Strength and Drift Capacity of Slab-Column Connections with Headed Shear Stud Reinforcement Subjected to Combined Gravity Load and Biaxial-Lateral Displacements", "Drift Capacity of Slab-Column Connections Reinforced with Headed Shear Studs and Subjected to Combined Gravity Load and Biaxial Lateral Displacements"

Cite this work

  • Gustavo Parra-Montesinos, Carol Shield (2017), "Assessment of Punching Shear Vulnerability of Slab-Column Connections with Shear Stud Reinforcement (NEES-2010-0983),"
