Using NEES as a Testbed for Studying Soil-Foundation-Structure Interaction (SFSI): Field Tests (NEES-2010-0964)

By Sharon Wood

Version 1.0






Published on

Nov 22, 2017


Title: Using NEES as a Testbed for Studying Soil-Foundation-Structure Interaction (SFSI): Field Tests (NEES-2010-0964)

Year Of Curation: 2011

Description: These experiments are part of a collaborative research project to study soil-foundation-structure interaction. A continuous reinforced concrete bridge supported on drilled shaft foundations was selected as the prototype structure for investigation. Two, 1/4-scale, reinforced concrete bents were constructed at a test site in southeast Austin. The primary difference between the two specimens was the clear height of the columns. Bent 1 had two, 12-in. diameter columns with a clear height of 6 ft. The clear height of the columns in Bent 2 was 3 ft. All four shafts had an embedded depth of 12 ft. The soil at the site was classified as nonplastic silt and the entire lengths of the shafts were above the water table.The two bents were tested dynamically during June and July 2005. Three types of dynamic tests were conducted. A modal hammer was used to excite the specimens using low-amplitude impulsive loads. T-Rex, a triaxial mobile shaker, was used to shake the ground near the bents and the linear shaker from Thumper was attached to the specimens at midspan of the beams. Static, pull-over tests were completed following the completion of the dynamic tests.


PIs & CoPIs: Sharon Wood

Dates: October 01, 2003 - September 01, 2006

Organizations: University of Texas at Austin, TX, United States

Facilities: University of Texas at Austin, TX, United States

Sponsor: NSF - 0324326 

Keywords: Bridge Bent, Reinforced Concrete,  Soil-Foundation-Structure Interaction (SFSI)

Publications: "Dynamic Field Tests of Small-scale Bridge Bents Supported on Drilled Shafts" 

Cite this work

  • Sharon Wood (2017), "Using NEES as a Testbed for Studying Soil-Foundation-Structure Interaction (SFSI): Field Tests (NEES-2010-0964),"
