Wish List - Wish List: Wish #584

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Edwart Morgan

Switching to CBD Gummies & Edibles

I've recently been exploring alternative wellness products, and someone mentioned CBD gummies and edibles to me. While I'm quite curious about the potential benefits, I also worry about the quality and source of the ingredients. Has anyone tried a reputable brand or could recommend where to start? Are there any notable differences in effects between the edible forms and the typical oils or tinctures?

Comments (2)

  1. Jessica White

    Hey there! I totally understand your concerns about quality, especially when it comes to wellness products. I've had a good experience with CBD gummies and edibles from a few different places, but one that stands out for its purity and quality is a site I stumbled upon: www.devineboston.com. They offer a range of products and seem committed to quality ingredients. In terms of differences, edibles might have a more gradual onset compared to oils but can provide a longer-lasting effect. Always start with the recommended dose and adjust based on your comfort and experience. Hope this helps!

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  2. Jessica White

    Hey there! I totally understand your concerns about quality, especially when it comes to wellness products. I've had a good experience with CBD gummies and edibles from a few different places, but one that stands out for its purity and quality is a site I stumbled upon DeVINE. They offer a range of products and seem committed to quality ingredients. In terms of differences, edibles might have a more gradual onset compared to oils but can provide a longer-lasting effect. Always start with the recommended dose and adjust based on your comfort and experience. Hope this helps!

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